Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Analyzing Student Data in a Speadsheet

Hello again, this post is in regards to a Google Docs Spreadsheet assignment I had the opportunity of completing. First of all, my experience with Google Spreadsheets was great. I found the program very similar to Microsoft Excel, but with an easier to navigate function selection. What I mean by "function selection" is the common functions associated with numbers in specific cells and how to manipulate those numbers into averages, sums, etc. I also had the opportunity to create a chart to show the trend of the numbers I was working with. 

Essentially, the numbers were given to our class in the form of "test scores." This makes sense because we are candidates in the teaching profession. My job was to find the test average for each test and for each student. I then found the students who were "below the grade" meaning I found the students who were below the average test score. I then plugged their numbers into a line graph to see the scoring trend of those students. 

Here is a link to the Google Spreadsheets Data


Here is my final data sheet and chart

If you click on the "Students who are Below" and the "Chart for Data" on the embedded spreadsheet above, you can follow the data on test scores for the students. One can see that the test score increases as the student progresses to Test #10.

As a teacher, I can see using this program for grading, attendance, and trending to see which students I need to challenge or focus on. It is an easy access document for teachers, administrators, parents and students. Google Spreadsheets can serve as a visual guide for the user because it translates numbers into visual representations.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like everything went smoothly for you. Job well done.
