Thursday, October 20, 2011

New Tech Standards and Requirements

In viewing the new technology standards for students, I chose to evaluate the following for my fourth and fifth grade classroom and my 6th grade classroom:

#2) Communication and Collaboration

Communication and collaboration seems to be what Web 2.0 and cloud computing is all about. It is a standard for collaboration and support. What better way then with a Google Document or with a Yodio could we collaborate, communicate, and produce projects? Other forms of media, such as a class blog or website would also meet some of these standards. It also holds the student and teacher accountable for contributing to the learning environment. Again, it seems to me the programs we have been working with recently fits this mold.

#4) Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making

Having a lot of knowledge is not the most important element in education. Knowing how to find knowledge is probably more important. Additionally equipping students with techniques on how to find information faster, or using a digital tool to analyze data more efficiently can save more time for learning. Equipping students with the tools to find the materials they need for research, efficient collecting data collection, and interpreting data are all things digital tools can assist with. This is the at the heart of this element.

#5) Digital Citizenship

Students need to know what is right and wrong, especially in the digital world. Rules and regulations in place for citizenship protects them in the long run. Digital citizenship also gives students life skills in other forms of citizenship. This element may be one of the most important in these standards because it defines expectations for students. This element will be a huge priority for me and my students. I will model good citizenship for my students, and they will need to follow in order to have the privilege of using the technology.

Just like in every job, more responsibility many times offers more challenges. It also creates more liability. As a teacher the first step to overcoming challenges of a new responsibility is to educate myself. I will get to know all of these standards to the best of my ability. I will them implement these standards in my classroom and make them routine. I want my students to receive the best education I can provide, and the use of technology is an important tool in their educational journey.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Analyzing Student Data in a Speadsheet

Hello again, this post is in regards to a Google Docs Spreadsheet assignment I had the opportunity of completing. First of all, my experience with Google Spreadsheets was great. I found the program very similar to Microsoft Excel, but with an easier to navigate function selection. What I mean by "function selection" is the common functions associated with numbers in specific cells and how to manipulate those numbers into averages, sums, etc. I also had the opportunity to create a chart to show the trend of the numbers I was working with. 

Essentially, the numbers were given to our class in the form of "test scores." This makes sense because we are candidates in the teaching profession. My job was to find the test average for each test and for each student. I then found the students who were "below the grade" meaning I found the students who were below the average test score. I then plugged their numbers into a line graph to see the scoring trend of those students. 

Here is a link to the Google Spreadsheets Data

Here is my final data sheet and chart

If you click on the "Students who are Below" and the "Chart for Data" on the embedded spreadsheet above, you can follow the data on test scores for the students. One can see that the test score increases as the student progresses to Test #10.

As a teacher, I can see using this program for grading, attendance, and trending to see which students I need to challenge or focus on. It is an easy access document for teachers, administrators, parents and students. Google Spreadsheets can serve as a visual guide for the user because it translates numbers into visual representations.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Multi-Media Project

Screenr is free a web application that records the screen actions and voice of the user. The application allows the user to publish the work in many different internet sites. It allows for 5 minutes of recording at a time. I found it very user friendly and easy to navigate the website. As all Web 2.0 applications it can be accessed by the user on any computer connected to the internet.

The uses of this application for teachers and students are many. Some examples are:

  • Teacher or student created tutorials for tasks
  • Guides for students who need a further component in instruction (visual and audio)
  • If a student misses a class, this can be created by the teacher to give instruction, so they are not behind
  • If a student is absent, they can present to the teacher "their thinking" on homework, while having the homework up on the screen
Below is my experience with the program. Thanks for watching!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Google Docs Group Project

The purpose of our project, Google Sheets was to discover the uses of this application to better teaching and learning. Google Sheets is a spreadsheet program that can be accessed and edited by several users at once. It is similar to Microsoft Excel except that it can be used collaboratively and it contains a few less functions. The application is free with a Gmail account. Here is the link to our shared document:

The way Google Sheets can help teaching and learning is through collaborative uses in teacher groups. One can gather and share data without emailing or sending the information over the web. One can share grades with parents and students instantly. Students can also use this application in school to manipulate data and place it into a chart.

My learning curve was average, I think. It took a little while to find some of the functions in the program. Once they were found, I was able to easily manipulate the data I entered. I felt it could have been a bit easier though.

I contributed to my group by finding a definition of Google Sheets on the web and putting it into my own terms. I also played with sheets and will share my experience with the class.

My Favorite Web2.0 Tools

Component 1: Definition of Web2.0

Web2.0 is a component of computing that allows the user to store, sync, backup, create, etc. using servers that are off site. What this means is that the user has access to free storage and information sharing online through various websites and companies. According to Webopedia, web2.0 allows the web user to have the ability to collaborate and share information online ( Using web2.0 services allows for users more free space on home computers and allows them to store information at a safer off site location.

Component 2: Dropbox

I chose to investigate the web2.0 service, Dropbox. Dropbox is an online storage platform that allows the following:

-Offsite/online storage (cloud storage)
-Utilizes many types of platforms including Windows/Linux/OS and many phone operating systems
-File Sharing
-Free up to 2GB of storage

All of this information is derived from (

Web 2.0 and Dropbox can have many different applications for teaching and learning. First, it gives teachers and offsite, safe location to save important files and information. Also information between teachers can be shared using Web 2.0 tools and applications. Tools like tiny URL and the like will help me at this point in my education. My experience with Web 2.0 tools so far has come with a bit of a steep learning curve. When I used a couple of the applications it took more time than I would have liked to master the program.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Voice Thread Representation of my expereince at OTEN

I attended the OTEN conference on Saturday September 24, 2011. The keynote speaker for the conference was the Canby Director of Technology and Innovation, Joe Morelock. The presentation Mr. Morelock gave focused on his research in the Canby school district related to the implementation of technology. 

I also attended two workshop sessions at OTEN. Below is an audio of my experience.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The benefits of blogging in the classroom

In just using a blog, I can see the benefits a teacher could have in a classroom. Number one, the program seems to be free. No cost to the school or students. A blog is an instant access website that students can use to create forums, post assignments, share reflections, and the list seems to go on. Some of the shortfalls may include students who do not have access to computers at home. If this was the case, maybe a teacher can use the blog in a computer lab setting or something similar.

Overall, it seems like a useful tool, if used properly and effectively.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Personal Bio

Hello, my name is Chad Barr and I am in Cohort A at the Willamette MAT program. My plan is to teach either elementary or middle school grades. Really, I do not have a preference for either and I am finding I like both equally.

As many of you know already, I have two awesome kiddos and a wonderful wife. I like to spend time with my family and I like watching my kids enjoy the adventures we take together. As a family we like to camp, travel, be in the outdoors, play with our dogs, and many many other things.

In regards to this class, I have been out of touch with some forms of technology and I am interested to see how some of the new technology can help me as a teacher.

Boom...that's me in a nutshell.